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Erfgoedcentrum Achterhoek en Liemers, Doetinchem. Toegang 1736 Collectie Stapelkamp te Winterswijk
NL-DtcSARA 1736
Information obtained from our archives can not be used without crediting the source and our archive must be mentioned at least once in full without abbreviations.
Erfgoedcentrum Achterhoek en Liemers, Doetinchem. Toegang 0888 NV Grolsche Bierbrouwerij, Enschede-Groenlo, 1655-1989
NL-DtcSARA 0888
Information obtained from our archives can not be used without crediting the source and our archive must be mentioned at least once in full without abbreviations.
Erfgoedcentrum Achterhoek en Liemers, Doetinchem. Toegang 0404 Stichting Berenschot-Rappa te Winterswijk, 1736-2021
NL-DtcSARA 0404
Information obtained from our archives can not be used without crediting the source and our archive must be mentioned at least once in full without abbreviations.
Erfgoedcentrum Achterhoek en Liemers, Doetinchem. Toegang 0982 A.K. Kisman te Doetinchem, 1856-2015
NL-DtcSARA 0982
Information obtained from our archives can not be used without crediting the source and our archive must be mentioned at least once in full without abbreviations.
Erfgoedcentrum Achterhoek en Liemers, Doetinchem. Toegang 1132 Familie Westerbeek van Eerten te Hummelo, 1620-2003
NL-DtcSARA 1132
Information obtained from our archives can not be used without crediting the source and our archive must be mentioned at least once in full without abbreviations.
Erfgoedcentrum Achterhoek en Liemers, Doetinchem. Toegang 0582 Hof en familie Te Vaarwerk te Olden Eibergen, 1669-1969
NL-DtcSARA 0582