Information obtained from our archives can not be used without crediting the source and our archive must be mentioned at least once in full without abbreviations.
Erfgoedcentrum Achterhoek en Liemers, Doetinchem. Toegang 1144 Commissie voor culturele grenscontacten 'Achterhoek-West-Munsterland', 1961-1994
NL-DtcSARA 1144
Information obtained from our archives can not be used without crediting the source and our archive must be mentioned at least once in full without abbreviations.
Erfgoedcentrum Achterhoek en Liemers, Doetinchem. Toegang 1062 Stichting Doetinchem en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, 1990-1993
NL-DtcSARA 1062
Information obtained from our archives can not be used without crediting the source and our archive must be mentioned at least once in full without abbreviations.
Erfgoedcentrum Achterhoek en Liemers, Doetinchem. Toegang 0692 Stichting Commissie Oost Europa Hengelo (G), 1994-2001
NL-DtcSARA 0692
Information obtained from our archives can not be used without crediting the source and our archive must be mentioned at least once in full without abbreviations.
Erfgoedcentrum Achterhoek en Liemers, Doetinchem. Toegang 0639 P. van den Berg te Laag-Keppel als contactpersoon voor de familie Passmann, eigenaar van Landgoed Slangenburg bij Doetinchem, 1945-1960
NL-DtcSARA 0639
Information obtained from our archives can not be used without crediting the source and our archive must be mentioned at least once in full without abbreviations.
Erfgoedcentrum Achterhoek en Liemers, Doetinchem. Toegang 0755 Duits-Nederlandse vereniging voor culturele grenscontacten Liemers-Niederrhein, (1963) 1965-2010
NL-DtcSARA 0755